
  • Kreb’s cycle (Improvement)
  • Energy (Improvement)
  • Vascular health (Improvement)
  • Brain function (Improvement)
  • Stem cell activation for neurons
  • May promote energy production (Kreb’s cycle and oxidative phosphorylation)
  • May convert fatty acids into energy
  • May improve exercise recovery
  • May increase stamina
  • May improve memory and mental function
  • May improve mental and physical alertness


N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine (NALC) reduces neuro-inflammation (NI) induces neural sprouting and promotes stem cell differentiation in the brain, which can lead to improved, overall cognitive function. NALC has proven to be effective as a long-term antioxidant treatment for various types of oxidation-induced damage. It also aids in the management and maintenance of ATP (energy production) in the Kreb’s cycle and may lead to an overall improvement in energy and stamina levels, as well as aiding with improved exercise recovery.

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90 Caps


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